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Jan de Bakkerstraat 13-15
3441 ED Woerden
The Netherlands
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Albertus Perkstraat 88
1217 NW Hilversum
The Netherlands
024 – 323 77 39

About us

Who is Involve?

We are a team of over 25 enthusiastic colleagues, ranging from starting to very experienced professionals. Thanks to our expertise and decades of experience in change and communication, leadership and program management, we can offer all that is needed to facilitate change from start to finish. We help organisations deliver better results as well as work towards making employees feel happier and more energized. In short: we work to meet our mission of happy and successful organisations.

We believe organisational change is all about people – always. It is about people who have to work differently tomorrow from today. People do not allow themselves, however, to be changed by change managers. People can quite well make changes when intrinsically motivated. So, most importantly, effective change comes from turning change into a shared process as soon as possible, together with and by the people involved. It is not about managing change only in programs and projects apart from everyday work, but above all as part of everyday work too. That is where change happens.

Core values

Since our start in 1994, we work in line with three core values. Expertise is what connects and drives us. Expertise above all encompasses our practical experience; that is what allows us to help our clients move forward in concrete steps. Pragmatism is an essential value too. Our profession is a truly interesting one but it’s purpose is to help us deliver. Lastly, involvement – which is in our name. We are involved in our profession, with our clients and with each other as colleagues. Our involvement extends to society, too: we select a specific charity to support yearly.

Our way of working

We do not see ourselves as a consultancy but much more as a ‘results agency’. We get on board to help. Ideally, we remain behind the scenes. Instead of taking over, we enable our clients to make the change and empower their employees to make the change successfully too. We are convinced that is the best way to strengthen the change capability of organisations sustainably. Our consultants usually work in teams in assignments, including all competencies needed to meet our clients’ requests. When required, we cooperate with partners who are experts in team or leadership development, research and creative communications. We regularly work with our sister agency Evolve, specialists in internal digital media and internal communications, and with training- en coaching agency Subconscious Impact.


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